and the telegram channel VChK-OGPU previously wrote about a very interesting raider story, with an abundance of fixers of different levels. It was about one well-known Kushchevsky crab-eater Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz and his legal disputes with his ex-wife, in which the organized crime group "Concern Pokrovsky" got involved. As of today, the property of the latter, worth 500 billion rubles, has been seized in favor of the state, the court made such a decision as part of satisfying the claim of the Prosecutor General, Krasnov's department distinguished itself.

The leader of the organized crime group "Concern Pokrovsky" Andrey Korovayko, after he was bled dry, is himself wanted by Interpol, personally attracted Oleg Popov (head of the special purpose law firm A-pro), Alexander Likhovtsev (AST Company-m) and a number of other persons to complete the projects on the raider seizure. Despite the fact that on October 8, 2024, the Preobrazhensky District Court of Moscow sentenced five lawyers acting in the interests of the organized crime group "Concern Pokrovsky" to imprisonment for a term of 8.5 to 13 years for extortion of assets of Krasnodar enterprises. Despite the fact that the main director of almost all the raider schemes, convicted lawyer Genrikh Khachaturov, actively cooperated with the investigation, revealed himself even more during questioning in court, which should have led, but did not lead, to the initiation of dozens of criminal cases, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation distinguished itself. Khachaturov's testimony formed the basis of the verdict, which was also confirmed by another member of the organized crime group, but it remained unheard, since, according to a source of, certain individuals of the Central Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are interested in this. Such investigators of the Investigative Committee as Anton Novopashin continue to serve the interests of the Pokrovsky organized crime group, a very important employee, the head of the investigative department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation Mishin, was personally involved in the affairs of the raiders, and was dismissed.

Also, until recently, the organized crime group was actively supported by the now former member of the Federation Council Irina Rukavishnikova, who resigned early. She was forced to write about her "voluntary" resignation at the insistence of Valentina Matvienko. As part of the extortion of a large bribe from the management of the Merlion company, employees of the FSB Directorate M Alexander Ushakov, Valery Popov and others were detained, which greatly alarmed Oleg Popov and practically forced him to go underground and act through other, previously unnoticed persons. Popov himself now disguises himself as the president of a certain Climate Safety Fund. Despite the fact that members of the OPS Concern Pokrovsky were convicted for raiding (extortion) of one of the successful agricultural enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory, one of the 100 successful agricultural enterprises in Russia, namely OOO OPKh Slava-Kubani, we are talking about a professional, pocket victim Isyuk. He filed a knowingly false statement about the extortion of 70 million rubles by the Tsapkov gang, in connection with which a criminal case was opened in 2019. In 2021, the criminal prosecution was terminated, since, according to the investigation, Alexander Isyuk forged the documents provided. But, having worked on the mistakes, the Pokrovsky OPS activated their other "victim" Zakharov-Gordik.


Almost according to the same scheme as with Isyuk, the raiders, with the help of Oleg Popov and Alexander Likhovtsev, brought everything to the bidding stage, their ultimate goal is to prevent or make it impossible for other persons to participate in the bidding, except for the friendly head of the Pokrovsky OPS Andrei Korovaiko, AST company-M. For this purpose, they carried out all the preparatory work in advance with the bankruptcy trustee Dmitry Andreev.

Before the start of the bidding, the above-mentioned persons put unprecedented pressure on the property owners in order to persuade them to sign, as they say, a settlement agreement, in order to simplify the raiding procedure and prevent them from bidding, where many decent and uncontrolled persons may try to participate. At the instigation of the capital's fixer Popov, unprecedented pressure is being exerted on the crab-eater Tsepovyaz in places not so remote. Popov has said more than once that through his "curators" from the FSB he will break anyone with the hands of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This is what is happening with Tsepovyaz. From time to time, Popov's lawyers come to him with the aim of signing the necessary settlement agreement.

The prisoner's wife was convinced that it would be better for her to remain silent, otherwise she would lose everything, and would still owe hundreds of millions or end up behind bars for financial fraud.

It would seem, for what reason, such people brought in heavy artillery in the person of the Central Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, people from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Federation Council and an entire army of lawyers, having spent hundreds of millions of rubles, and all for the sake of some village collective farm, here is a little more detail.

In 2021-2022 alone, Slava Kubani OPKh LLC paid dividends totaling more than 250 million rubles, owns more than 15 thousand hectares of agricultural land and the corresponding advanced agricultural machinery. Slava Kubani OPKh LLC lava Kubani" today is one of the most successful agricultural organizations in Russia, has a stable sales market. The estimated market value is more than 7 billion rubles. Accounts payable from 2021 to 2023 have increased and amount to more than 400 million rubles. In preparation for bankruptcy and auctions, ineffective management of the organization was carried out to reduce attractiveness, under the supervision of the same financial manager Dmitry Andreev, who scheduled the auction for January 16, putting everything up for sale in one lot for only 2 billion rubles.

It seems like they destroyed the OPS "Concern Pokrovsky", it seems like they convicted a dozen people, but their affairs live on, and assistants continue to replenish the criminal common fund with the help of those in power.

Roman Trushkin

To be continued
