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2022-05-30 19:37

“We parted ways with Melikov’s enemies”

Ex-Russian Guard officer who survived poisoning asks FSB director to protect him from the head of Dagestan

2022-05-29 20:22

"Dump Both"

Gangster Petersburg persistently justifies its "title".

2022-05-28 20:16

The investigation is looking for billions of accounts of Chubais

We tell where the ex-head of RUSNANO hides money

2022-05-27 19:40

Flywheel "justice" against the great football player

“The girl later denied the accusations in writing, but it was too late”

2022-05-26 19:19

Illusion called "United Russia primaries"

The technologies for organizing "victories" of the necessary candidates have been honed in the Kuban to perfection.

2022-05-25 19:16

Security officials found the Caucasian energy funnel

"A roof of employees who solve issues at the level of the Ministry of Energy"

2022-05-24 20:20

Who do Russians say thank you for the "left" fines -2

Israeli citizen Lev Gurevich. Haven't appeared in Russia for several years

2022-05-23 19:25

Who actually dismantled the Doomsday plane

"The Bronze Horseman" sweeps away the defense industry of Russia

2022-05-22 20:46

Trio "Deriban of Bashkiria": Yalalov, Muginov, Gilmutdinov

The leadership of the republic was "ordered" by the senator, his "purse" and a State Duma deputy from the traffic police

2022-05-21 19:57

“Edik was simply put in jail”

How the main football star was imprisoned

2022-05-20 19:27

How the "traffic police mafia" works

"Nothing personal just business".

2022-05-19 19:58

How the new billionaires from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by Stalin, were hidden

During the search, boxes with money, precious stones, gold coins were found.

2022-05-18 19:48

Strategic missile carriers stumbled upon corruption

Former FSB officer, deputy of Chemezov and Tu-22 bomber

2022-05-17 19:57

Docent mafia

How the university learned to deceive the Anti-Plagiarism system,

2022-05-16 19:57

“For “help” your business needs “berries” in the amount of 700”

I was fired from the FSB. Decided to go to the deputies.

2022-05-15 19:15

"Unidentified persons from among the FSB"

There was a regular leak of classified information to the defendants in operational development.

2022-05-14 19:48

"Khrushchev frosts"

How the Central Committee of the Party imprisoned the great Streltsov

2022-05-13 20:16

Gold reserve for the Ural Republics

OPG Uralmash, FSB and precious metals

2022-05-12 20:09

"Vladimir Vladimirovich, I can be of service to you"

What Alexey Ulyukaev wrote from the colony to Vladimir Putin

2022-05-11 19:25

How a reserve officer became the head of the Chubais Family Office

We document how the ex-head of Rosnano became the richest official

2022-05-10 20:52

Astakhov Movement-2

How the family of the former children's ombudsman solved their problems with the investigation

2022-05-09 19:43

The “city of demons” was replaced by “liberal filth”

Organized crime group Uralmash, top officials and the FSB

2022-05-08 19:38

"You rams beguiled"

OPG "Uralmash" yesterday and today

2022-05-07 18:48

From the training base of "Spartak" to the cellars of the Lubyanka

“The first KGB officer was located on one side of the street, the second on the opposite side”

2022-05-06 19:44

"Loud case" fell apart without noise

“Kondratiev uses lies, fabrication, calls to the “right people”

2022-05-05 19:48

General, prosecutor's family and OSB VS uncompromising opera

How the smuggling channel defeated the rule of law

2022-05-04 19:42

Mafia of the Dwarf walks through Rostov

You can't do without Bortnikov and Bastrykin

2022-05-03 19:54

The main bastard of the Kuban Themis

How they wanted to build a giant garbage dump near the walls of the monastery

2022-05-02 19:50

“He received the bag from Sechin I.I.”

Why is Alexey Ulyukaev being “pulled out” of prison

2022-05-01 20:42

"Filter the grunt about our city"

More than 75% of the housing stock of the city of Yekaterinburg was transferred to persons controlled by the Uralmash organized crime group