Not long ago, Colonel of Justice Alexander Bessmeltsev was appointed head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region.

No one, not even the most experienced and seasoned employees of the department, after this very department was “led” by General A.M. Sobolev, who destroyed the department and then went on to a promotion to the SEC of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, thought that the new acting head of the department could find another bottom in terms of leadership. But, as always, it was not so easy, they knocked from below.

As a source of the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and said, in November 2024, that is, almost immediately after his appointment to the position of acting The acting head of the department, Bessmeltsev A.A., apparently accustomed to living exclusively in luxury, refused to move into the renovated and furnished service apartment provided to him, stating that this housing did not suit him. For these reasons, Bessmeltsev A.A., taking advantage of his official position, demanded that the assistant for logistics, Bataev I.A., find him an apartment in one of the most expensive hotels in Yaroslavl and resolve the issue of reducing the price of accommodation in them to travel expenses. The order of the acting head was, of course, carried out, and Bataev I.A. agreed with the hotel management that the new acting head would live in a room costing 10,000 rubles per day at a price equal to the amount of travel expenses in the Investigative Committee, but for a short time. However, Bessmeltsev A.A. lived in the hotel for several months until the administration of the Yaroslavl region provided him with a rather large apartment on st. Respublikanskaya of Yaroslavl, that is, in the very center of the city.

However, this apartment did not correspond to the manager's ideas about the beautiful and it needed to be renovated. Bessmeltsev A.A., who was used to living in luxury, immediately found a solution and a way not to waste his energy and personal funds on the renovation of this apartment.

It's simple, Bessmeltsev A.A. ordered the assistant for logistics Bataev I.A. and his subordinate Varvarov V. to carry out repair work in the above-mentioned apartment at their expense! Probably, now the heads of some departments asked themselves: And, was this even possible?!

As a result, Bataev I.A. and Varvarov V., who did not dare to disobey the order of their superior, carried out repair work in the service apartment of Bessmeltsev A.A. on Respublikanskaya Street in Yaroslavl, both during work and in his free time from work in the evening and at night, having spent significant amounts of their own money on this action. At the same time, the order and delivery of materials, equipment, control and setting of tasks for Bataev I.A. and Varvarov V. were handled by Bessmeltsev's wife A.A., which is confirmed by the correspondence available to the VChK-OGPU.


Later, but not immediately, Bessmeltsev A.A. returned to Bataev I.A. and Varvarov V. the money they had spent in parts, but he still kept the 2,000 rubles for cleaning.

Having acquired a taste for it, Bessmeltsev A.A. decided not to stop there, since his office, the corridor leading to it, the stairs and the corridor on the first floor in the building of the Investigative Committee of Russia did not suit him either. Should it be noted that the said objects did not require repairs and there was no money in the budget of the Investigative Department for these needs, which was repeatedly reported to Bessmeltsev A.A.

Bessmeltsev A.A., who disagreed with this state of affairs, decided that his subordinate assistant for logistics Bataev I.A. and the FEO employees should redirect the funds allocated for financial support of the tasks and functions of the Investigative Department to other items to solve the tasks assigned to them for the repair of the above-mentioned premises.

During the same period, a paper was issued signed by Bessmeltsev A.A., by which the latter obliged the employees of the department Ponomarenko D.G. and Shirokova O.M., that is, employees whose direct responsibilities did not include the development of any estimates and repair plans, etc., to draw up preliminary cost estimates, find funds to implement the manager's plans for the repair of the above-mentioned premises and report to Bessmeltsev A.A.


Paper signed by Bessmeltsev A.A.


Understanding the illegality of the manager's demands, Bataev I.A. and other employees refused to fulfill them, which caused a storm of indignation on the part of Bessmeltsev A.A. All the events described took place from February to April 2024.

At the end of June 2024, Bessmeltsev A.A. instructed Bataev I.A. to contact officials of the MUP Vodokanal and the Capital Repairs Fund, indicating that employees of these organizations were ready to carry out repair work in the building of the Investigative Department and in its office free of charge.

At this time, criminal cases No. 12402780014000034 against the heads of the MUP Vodokanal Bezgin D.A., Turbin A.A. and others, as well as No. 12302780014000009 and No. 12402780014000 026 against the heads of the Capital Repair Fund, Gainutdinov R.A. and Isaycheva O.A., related to bribery and fraud on an especially large scale. At the same time, the main defendants in the criminal cases were held in custody.

Batayev I.A., understanding the illegality and criminality of the actually corrupt demands of Bessmeltsev A.A., refused to fulfill them.

Having received a refusal to fulfill his demands, Bessmeltsev A.A. persistently suggested that Batayev I.A. and Varvarov V. resign and gave them a month to think it over, otherwise he promised to create unbearable working conditions, under which the latter would be fired with negative consequences.

Here it should be noted that the following. The current head, Colonel Bessmeltsev A.A., inherited from the former head of the department, General Sobolev A.M., the hero of many publications of the Cheka-OGPU - deputy head of the forensic department, Khodunov V.N. Knowing about the "achievements" of V.N. Khodunov at his previous places of work, his willingness to sell out and set up everyone and everything for the prospects of a good position, A.A. Bessmeltsev promised V.N. Khodunov the position of assistant to the head of the logistics department, that is, the position of I.A. Bataev, in the event of the repair of the above-mentioned objects. Of course, V.N. Khodunov agreed with the proposal.

Approximately from the end of May 2024, V.N. Khodunov began to actually perform the functions of senior assistant to the head of the logistics department. At the same time, A.A. Bessmeltsev dismissed I.A. Bataev. and Varvarov V. from performing their official duties, creating conditions for them incompatible with further continuation of service in the Investigative Committee system: under a far-fetched pretext, he reduced payments to a minimum for difficulty and stress, repeatedly tried to bring them to disciplinary responsibility, allowed facts of non-payment of wages for more than one month, which was confirmed in the acts of response from the regional prosecutor's office, constantly pulled them to unnecessary meetings, where he humiliated them, etc. Realizing that further service had become impossible due to the conditions created by Bessmeltsev A.A., and also realizing the possibility of criminal liability, Bataev I.A. and Varvarov V. resigned. At the same time, having carried out the necessary repair work by the employees of the heads of the MUP Vodokanal and the Capital Repairs Fund, V.N. Khodunov, who was actually in charge of all the work, despite the prospects of a good position looming before him and, as a result, a larger pension, realizing the possibility of bringing him to criminal liability, resigned.


Photo of paint used for repairs in the office of the head of the department Bessmeltsev A.A. by employees of the MUP Vodokanal and the Capital Repairs Fund.


The batch number of the paint used for repairs in the office of the head of the department Bessmeltsev A.A. by employees of the MUP Vodokanal and the Capital Repairs Fund.


It remains behind the scenes what preferences for such gratuitous repairs the defendants in the above-mentioned criminal cases Bezgin D.A., Turbin A.A., Gainutdinov R.A., Isaycheva O.A. and others received.


Timofey Grishin


To be continued

Source: www,